Residence permits ex art. 26 and 27 T.U.

The firm provides assistance in requesting permit of stay for expatriates, for refusals of the entry-visa and the rejection of a citizenship request.

Wide range of expertise in immigration law based on Italian, European and International regulations. Specialized professionals with high expertise help expatriates in requesting and receiving the permit of stay pursuant to article 27 Dlgs 286/1998, and accompany them to the public offices for the required visits and assist them in all related activities.

The firm also offers assistance, extrajudicial and judicial, in the appeal against the refusal of the entry visa by the Italian consulate, the rejection of a citizenship request, the refusal or denial of a permit of stay.

The firm prepares well-thought applications to cancel the names of clients who are blocked as unwanted by the Schengen Information System (S.I.S).




Area of Practice